50 Ducks Feeding The Homeless

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And this is how The Duck Adventure all began...
July 2013

Well I totally failed at hatching chickens, and I called the hatchery up about getting some more chicks and they were totally sold out.

But they did have some ducklings that were going to be left over from their final hatch of the spring/summer.

They told me they had 125 assorted breeds (Muscovy, Rouen, & Pekin) left for the next hatch day, I ordered them all.

October 2013

I never would have thought ducks would be so much fun, they simply took over my life...

Wintering The Ducks 2013-2014
After I did the cull which turned out to be very hard on me personally I had gotten very attached to the flock, I had to get set up for the winter for the remaining birds I was going to breed the next spring.

We kept 6 Pekin, 3 Muscovy & 4 Rouen Drakes that are going to fertilize our 38 Pekin, 12 Muscovy & 20 Rouen Female ducks.

So much bad happened that winter....


Ethically Raising Free Range Ducks Live Streamed On YouTube
All Our Meat & Eggs Are Donated To Charity